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DFCC Bank empowers women in the MSME sector through multiple engagement programmes
July 7, 2021
In an effort to recognize and appreciate the independent and hard-working women of the nation, DFCC Bank initiated a series of engagement programmes focused on empowering women in the MSME sector. Focusing on many areas such as tea cultivation, beauty salon management, dairy farming, and general cultivation, these programmes were conducted with the goal of empowering, motivating, and uplifting women involved in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) relating to those areas.
DFCC Bank was able to hold these programmes with the support of experts in the respective fields. The women who are engaging in the tea sector benefited from the expertise shared by Mr. Sisira Perera, Zonal Development Officer from the Tea Smallholders Development Authority. Mrs. Nayana Karunaratne, a well-known Sri Lankan Beautician joined in to share her knowledge with participants who were engaged in the salon and beauty industry.
As for the women engaging in Dairy Farming, Mr. Wajira Punchihewa – Vice President/ Regional Manager DFCC Bank facilitated a session on financial literacy and business management. The fourth and final programme on general cultivation was conducted by Ms Sewwandi Gunawardena, the Assistant Director General at the Export Agricultural Department who shared a wealth of insight with the participants.
These programmes were conducted after DFCC Bank identified that the ladies of Sri Lanka are well on their way to becoming a driving force for the growth of the MSME sector. As female empowerment is a crucial requirement for the development of Sri Lanka’s economy, these programmes conducted by the bank for everyone are a welcome initiative in shattering the male dominated narrative.
The participants certainly benefited from this knowledge sharing experience and were able to gain more exposure among the minds of the industry leaders who conducted these sessions. This also gave DFCC Bank the opportunity to recognize the contribution of women engaged in Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) scale business ventures who contribute immensely to the economic and social fabric of Sri Lanka.
DFCC Bank has always come forward to support entrepreneurs through various programs, especially those that focus on skills development such as ‘DFCC Sahaya Hamuwa’ and ‘DFCC Viyapara Athwela’ online Programme. As the preferred financier of SMEs in Sri Lanka with concessionary credit schemes and invaluable guidance provided, the bank is expected to conduct more programmes of this nature in the future.
About DFCC Bank
DFCC Bank is a full-service Commercial Bank with a legacy of 65 years as one of Sri Lanka’s foremost financial conglomerates offers a gamut of commercial and development banking services. The Bank was ranked amongst Business Today’s Top 30 Corporates in Sri Lanka and was also positioned amongst Brand Finance’s Top 100 Most Valuable Brands, 2020. DFCC Bank is rated [SL] AA- Stable by ICRA Lanka Limited and A+ (lka) Stable by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited.