
Home Loan

A Simple home loan calculator to help you find out your estimated home loan repayments based on the repayment method you select and the interest rate. This calculator will help you understand what is your repayment capacity and the value of loan you can afford to take based on the your present/future income.

% p.a

Estimated Monthly Installment

Capital payment
(1st month)
0.00 LKR
Interest payment
(1st month)
0.00 LKR

Terms and Conditions

    • This calculator could be used to calculate loans in Foreign Currency and Rupee Loans.
    • This is for illustration purpose only. (The actual loan installment is calculated based on the loan granted date and first repayment date and therefore may be different to the installment indicated in the calculator.)
    • For more details contact the nearest branch or send us an Inquiry.

What is your need for a home loan?

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