Corporate Information
We utilise the resources available for us to create value.
Corporate Information
Legal Form: A Public Quoted Company incorporated under the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 with effect from 06 January 2015, formerly known as DFCC Bank and incorporated under the Development Finance Corporation of Ceylon Act No. 35 of 1955 as amended.
Chairman of the Board: MR J DURAIRATNAM
Chief Executive Officer: Mr N H T I PERERA
Company Secretary: Ms. Nimali Ranaraja
Auditors: KPMG Ford, Rhodes, Thornton & Co, Chartered Accountants
Credit Rating :
- A (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited.
Company Registration Number : PQ 233
Registered Address : No 73/5, Galle Road, Colombo 3
Telephone: (94)-011-2442442
Fax: (94)-011-2440376