Debenture Issuance

Debenture Issuance

Basel III compliant - Tier 2, Listed, Rated, Unsecured, Subordinated, Redeemable Debentures with a Non-Viability Conversion

Basel III compliant – Tier 2, Listed, Rated, Unsecured, Subordinated, Redeemable Debentures with a Non-Viability Conversion

An Initial Issue of 50,000,000 Debentures with an option to issue up to a further 30,000,000 of the said Debentures at the discretion of the Bank in the event of an oversubscription of the initial issue.

Type Tenure Interest Rate Frequency of Interest Payment AER
Type A 5 years 15.25% p.a. Annual 15.25%
Type B 7 years 14.75% p.a. Annual 14.75%
  • Issue Price – Rs.100/- per debenture
  • Rated BBB (lka) by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited
  • Will be listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange

As per CSE Listing Rules, the minimum amount of investment is LKR 10,000/- (100 debentures), except for Individual Investors for whom the minimum investment amount is LKR 5,000,000/- (50,000 debentures).

The investment and trading of these Debentures will only be limited to “Qualified Investors”

Please refer to the Prospectus, contact your stockbroker or call Capital Alliance Partners Limited on +94 11 2317777 or Acuity Partners (Private) Limited on +94 11 2206206 for further details and application forms.

DFCC Bank PLC Debenture Issue opens on 5th January 2024

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