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DFCC Bank extends support in Drought Relief Operations
September 4, 2014
Sri Lanka’s pioneering development bank DFCC, staying true to its tradition of helping people and giving back to the society carried out a relief activity to support the vulnerable people severely affected by shortage of water.
The Bank together with its commercial banking subsidiary, DFCC Vardhana Bank initiated a relief program to support the most affected villages in the Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Trincomalee and Moneragala districts, supplying water tanks totaling a capacity of approximately 25,000 litres together with drinking water and dry rations.
Expressing his views on this initiative Mr Arjun Fernando, CEO, DFCC Bank said, “Every Sri Lankan has the right to access sustainable water which is a basic human need. Our contribution towards this effort, although in a small way, shows DFCC’s commitment to fulfill its responsibility as a responsible corporate citizen, being there for the people of the country in their times of crisis.”
He further went on to say, “Caring for the society and the environment is a part of DFCC’s core value system. Our corporate social investment initiatives spread further than just charitable donations and what we aim to create is long term social value in the communities in which we operate in. This is inculcated in every one of our staff members, and we encourage them to engage with local communities through varied community development projects.”
Besides providing water to the deprived, employees of the Bank volunteered and travelled to the villages to support the relief efforts. Through this initiative, relief was provided to approximately 800 families. The program was successfully implemented in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Army and District Administration.
DFCC Bank, Sri Lanka’s pioneering development bank ranks as one of Sri Lanka’s top banks with sustained profits and consistent growth. Set up by an act of Parliament in 1955, the Bank has pioneered many innovations in Sri Lanka’s financial sector and has been the financier of trail blazing Lankan entrepreneurs, nurturing them in their early and risky start up stages and helping them advance into corporate giants in their respective industries. Today, it has grown into a fully fledged financial services group with its subsidiaries; DFCC Vardhana Bank, Synapsys, DFCC Consulting, Lanka Industrial Estates Limited, its Joint Venture Acuity Partners and Associate Company National Asset Management Limited, providing the full gamut of services to the financial sector.