DFCC Solar Loan

DFCC Solar Loan

Recognizing the growing demand for solar energy and the need for accessible financing solutions, the Bank has introduced a special Solar Loan product. This innovative offering will provide consumers with a convenient and affordable means to finance their solar installations, empowering them to embrace renewable energy and reap its benefits.

Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits

  • Solar Loan Up to LKR 5.0 million
  • Repayment period up to 10 years
  • Interest rates starting from 11.5% (Fixed for 5 years)
  • The cost saving from the solar system considered for the repayment
  • Special benefits through pre – approved on grid solar system suppliers


  • Should be a fixed income earning employee in Private or Government Sector.
  • Minimum monthly gross income of LKR 100,000 (Basic + Fixed Allowances)
  • Should be in the confirmed permanent employment with minimum two years continuous total employment.
  • Age between 18 to retirement, subject to the loan being fully repaid before the date of retirement.

Documents Required 

  • Duly completed Loan application form
  • Accepted Terms &Conditions
  • A certified copy of the National Identity Card,Driver’s License or Passport
  • Latest 3 months original/certified salary slips
  • Salary assignment issued by the Employer on company letter head as per the standard format of DFCC Bank
  • A quotation and technical proposal from a pre – approved supplier
  • A copy of the latest electricity bill
  • A proof for the ownership/ title of the residence of which the rooftop solar panels will be installed
  • Comprehensive Insurance over the system assigned to DFCC(upon installation of panels)Copy of the power purchase agreement (upon installation of panels)

How to Apply

Download the application form, complete and submit same to any DFCC Bank branch or fill in the inquiry form given below and we will contact you.You may also visit a branch of your choice to apply for the loan.

DFCC Solar Loan FAQs

01. What is the monthly gross income required for a solar loan?

    Rs.100,000/- (Basic + Fixed Allowance)

02. Do I need to be the owner of the property to apply for a Solar Loan?

    No, you do not need to be the owner of the property.The owner of the residence should be the spouse/ parent and should be a co-borrower for the loan.

03. What is the maximum loan amount I can apply for?

    Maximum loan amount is Rs. 5Mn (For residential purpose)

04. What is the repayment tenure for the Solar Loan?

    10 years

05. What is the interest rate on the Solar Loan?

    11.50% (Fixed for 5 years)

06. Can I apply for a Solar Loan for both residential and commercial properties?

    Yes you can.There are different schemes available for commercial properties too.

07. How long does the loan approval process take?

    The loan approval process typically takes between 5 to 10 business days, depending on the completeness of the application and required documentation.

08. How do I apply for the DFCC Solar Loan?

    You can apply by visiting the nearest DFCC Bank branch or through their online platform. For more information, you can contact the call center.

09. Do you consider reimbursements of payments done for the solar panels?

    Yes we consider reimbursements.

10. Do you consider the income expected from the solar panel as an additional income?

    Yes we do consider.

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