‘Kapruka Ayojana’ Credit Scheme (KACS)

‘Kapruka Ayojana’ Credit Scheme

‘Kapruka Ayojana’ credit scheme is offered in collaboration with the Coconut Cultivation Board (CCB) which provides loans to support coconut cultivators for coconut land development, including new planting, replanting, intercropping, animal husbandry and acquisition of new machinery and equipment to further mechanization.

Eligible Sub-borrowers

Eligible Sub-borrowers

  • An owner of a coconut land
  • A Lessee of a coconut land or a person having the legal right to undertake the proposed development
  • In the event of a leased land, the tenor of the lease should be not less than 2 years in excess of the maturity period of the loan
  • The Land extent should be maximum of 50 acres and minimum of ½ acres
  • Minimum equity contribution of 20%

Eligible Sectors

This credit scheme facilitates the coconut growers for the developments of coconut lands, coconut cultivation related activities and coconut intercropping farm systems.

Key Features of ‘Kapruka Ayojana’ Credit Scheme

  • Maximum Loan Quantum
    • Rs. 5 Mn.
  • Repayment Period
    • Up to 5 years including max.12 months grace
  • Interest Rate
    • 8.00% p.a

Special Conditions

  • The final loan amount per project will be determined by the Coconut Cultivation Board.

** Terms and Conditions apply


1. Am I eligible to obtain a ‘Kapruka Ayojana’ facility?

    If you are an owner or a lessee or a person having the legal right to undertake the proposed development (lease should be not less than 2 years in excess of the maturity period of the loan) and holding a land of maximum 50 acres and minimum ½ acres and willing to make a minimum equity contribution of 20%, you may apply the loan.

2. What is the maximum loan amount under this loan scheme?

    Rs. 5 Mn. However, the final loan amount per project will be depending on the project proposal prepared by CCB.

3. What is the first step to apply for this loan?

    You may visit the nearest CCB Regional Office and collect the ‘Kapruka 1’ application form.

4. Do I have to offer collateral?

    The Bank may request suitable collateral.

5. Who should I contact for more information?

    Refer the branch contact details or visit the nearest DFCC branch.