DFCC Xtreme Money Market Account

DFCC Xtreme
Money Market Account

Get attractive interest rates for your savings with a DFCC Xtreme Money Market Account in LKR, USD, and other currencies.

Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits

  • Initial deposit – LKR 100,000 / USD 15,000 or equivalent in respective foreign currency.
  • Attractive interest rates as the product is linked to;
    • LKR : Rate linked to Average Weighted Call Money rate and re-priced on a weekly basis
    • USD : Rate linked to 3 Months LIBOR and re-priced on a monthly basis
  • This account is a smart option for individuals and entities.
  • Interest will be calculated daily based on the day end balances and credited monthly.
  • DFCC Xtreme Money Market Accounts in foreign currency for individuals should be opened under Personal Foreign Currency Accounts (PFCA) and for entities should be opened under Business Foreign Currency Accounts (BFCA).


  • Individuals above 18 years of age and entities.

How to Apply

Terms & Conditions

  • Banks, Finance Companies and Insurance Companies are not eligible under this product.

Digital Banking

Interest Rate

Tools & Support